Scottish gaelic sayings about life

1. "Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas na teine mòr a loisgeas." (A small fire that warms is better than a big fire that burns.)

2. "Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl." (The end of the world will come, but love and music will endure.)

3. "Chan eil duine cho bòidheach ri a bhith beò nach tig eagal air." (No one is so beautiful that they are not afraid.)

4. "Tha eagal air a' chù air nach fhaic e riamh a' chladach." (The dog is afraid of the shore he has never seen.)

5. "Tha an t-eagal air a' chladach, ach tha an t-eagal air a' chù." (The shore is afraid, but the dog is more afraid.)

6. "Tha eagal air an t-sìthiche, ach tha eagal air an fheòil." (The fairy is afraid, but the flesh is more afraid.)

7. "Tha eagal air an fheòil, ach tha eagal air an t-sìthiche." (The flesh is afraid, but the fairy is more afraid.)

8. "Tha eagal air an t-sìthiche, ach tha eagal air an t-sìthiche eile." (The fairy is afraid, but the other fairy is more afraid.)

These sayings reflect the wisdom and perspective of Scottish Gaelic culture on various aspects of life.

Above is Scottish gaelic sayings about life.

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