Scottish sayings about the english

1. "Lang may yer lum reek" - May your chimney smoke for a long time (wishing prosperity and longevity)

2. "Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye" - What is meant to happen will happen (accepting fate)

3. "Dinnae teach yer granny tae suck eggs" - Don't try to teach someone something they already know (don't be condescending)

4. "We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns" - We are all equal (emphasizing unity and equality)

5. "Haud yer wheesht" - Be quiet (telling someone to be quiet)

6. "Ye can tak' the laddie oot o' Scotland, but ye cannae tak' Scotland oot the laddie" - You can take the boy out of Scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the boy (emphasizing the enduring influence of one's roots)

7. "Awa' an bile yer heid" - Go away and boil your head (telling someone to go away and calm down)

8. "A nod's as guid as a wink tae a blind horse" - A subtle hint is just as good as a direct instruction (implying understanding without explicit communication)

9. "Yer bum's oot the windae" - You're talking nonsense (calling out someone for speaking foolishly)

10. "Lang may yer lum reek, but no ower the border" - May your chimney smoke, but not over the border (jokingly referencing the historical animosity between Scotland and England)

Above is Scottish sayings about the english.

Urn plaque sayings for funeral

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