Scottish sayings in gaelic

1. "Is math a rinn thu!" - "Well done!"

2. "Tapadh leat" - "Thank you"

3. "Slàinte mhath!" - "Good health!"

4. "Ciamar a tha thu?" - "How are you?"

5. "Chan eil ach beagan Gàidhlig agam" - "I only know a little Gaelic"

6. "Gabh mo leisgeul" - "Excuse me"

7. "Tha mi duilich" - "I'm sorry"

8. "Càite bheil an taigh-beag?" - "Where is the restroom?"

9. "Tha an t-uisge fuar" - "The water is cold"

10. "Tha an t-sìde blàth" - "The weather is warm"

Above is Scottish sayings in gaelic.

Sayings with the word cut

1. Cut your losses.2. Cut to the chase.3. Cut corners.4. Cut and dry.5. Cut from the same cloth.6. Cut above the rest.7. Cut the mustard.8. Cut the cord.9. Cut a deal.10. Cut to the bone.

Father's day 2018 superheroes sayings for grade 1

1. Happy Father's Day to my superhero dad! You're my favorite hero in the whole world!2. Dad, you're my superhero because you always save the day and make me feel safe and loved.3. To the best dad in the universe, thank you for being my superhero and always protecting me.4. Dad, you're my rea

Fun sayings related to tin

1. As strong as tin foil in a hurricane.2. Tin tough, like a rusty nail.3. Tin man, heart of steel.4. All that glitters is not tin.5. Tin can do attitude.6. Tin is in, don't throw it in the bin.7. Tin it to win it.8. Tin-spiration: turning metal into magic.9. Tin is the new gold.10

Guilty conscious sayings

1. The guilty mind is full of fear.2. Guilt is the price we pay for our mistakes.3. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.4. Guilt is the ghost of a bad deed.5. The guilty are always their own accusers.6. Guilt is the shadow of our sins.7. A guilty conscience is a heavy burden to bear.8

Exclamation sayings

1. Holy cow!2. Good grief!3. Oh my goodness!4. Well, I'll be darned!5. By golly!6. Gee whiz!7. Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!8. Great Scott!9. Land sakes alive!10. Heavens to Betsy!

Leg tattoo sayings

1. Carpe Diem (Seize the day)2. Strength and Courage3. Live, Laugh, Love4. Not all who wander are lost5. Dream big, work hard6. Forever Young7. Love yourself first8. Be the change9. Find your passion10. Never give up

Military goodbye sayings

1. Stay safe and stay strong.2. Keep your head down and your spirits up.3. Until we meet again, stay vigilant.4. Godspeed and good luck.5. Stay focused, stay determined, stay safe.6. Keep your eyes on the horizon and your heart in the fight.7. Stay sharp and stay safe out there.8. May

Native american sayings about the medicine wheel

1. The medicine wheel teaches us balance in all aspects of life - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.2. The four directions of the medicine wheel represent the four elements and the four stages of life - birth, growth, maturity, and death.3. The medicine wheel reminds us that we are all

Memories sayings o post

1. Memories are timeless treasures of the heart.2. The best memories are made with the simplest moments.3. In the end, all we have are memories.4. Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.5. Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.6

Aviator sayings about caps

1. A cap is like a trusty co-pilot for your head.2. Caps are the wings of style for any aviator.3. In the cockpit or on the tarmac, a cap is a pilot's best friend.4. Caps are the finishing touch that elevates any aviator's look.5. Flying high with a cap on your head is the ultimate aviator