Secret santa sayings for candy

1. "Sweet wishes from your Secret Santa!"

2. "May your holidays be as sweet as this candy!"

3. "A little treat from your Secret Santa to sweeten your day."

4. "Sending you a sugar rush of holiday cheer!"

5. "Life is sweet, just like this candy from your Secret Santa."

6. "Indulge in some holiday sweetness from your Secret Santa."

7. "Wishing you a candy-filled holiday season!"

8. "May your days be merry and bright, and your candy stash always full."

9. "A little something sweet to brighten your day, from your Secret Santa."

10. "Sweet treats and warm wishes from your Secret Santa!"

Above is Secret santa sayings for candy.

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1. Huzzah! Let the merriment begin!2. Fair maidens and noble knights, gather 'round for a tale of adventure!3. May your tankard be ever full and your sword ever sharp!4. Forsooth! 'Tis a day of revelry and mirth!5. By the beard of the king, let the jousting commence!6. Ye olde faire is a

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1. You're the mac to my cheese, the cheese to my pizza, and the cheese to my heart.2. You're grate in every whey, my love.3. You're the brie to my heart's desire.4. I'm so fondue of you, my Valentine.5. You're the queso to my nachos, the cheddar to my crackers, and the love of my life.6.

Spanish sayings for goodbye

1. Hasta luego (See you later)2. Adiós (Goodbye)3. Hasta la vista (Until we meet again)4. Nos vemos (See you)5. Que te vaya bien (May things go well for you)6. Chao (Bye)7. Hasta pronto (See you soon)8. Que tengas un buen día (Have a good day)9. Hasta mañana (See you tomorrow)10.

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1. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. - Marilyn Monroe2. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. - Dr. Seuss3. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts4. Letting go doesn't m

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Dad sayings phrase friends

Choose your friends wisely, they can either lift you up or bring you down.