Self centered quotes and sayings

1. "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley

2. "I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions." - Stephen Covey

3. "I am who I am, your approval is not needed." - Unknown

4. "I am not a one in a million kind of girl, I am a once in a lifetime kind of woman." - Unknown

5. "I am not a narcissist, I just love myself." - Unknown

6. "I am the architect of my own destiny." - Unknown

7. "I am my own muse, I am the subject I know best." - Frida Kahlo

8. "I am not interested in competing with anyone, I hope we all make it." - Unknown

9. "I am not perfect, but I am limited edition." - Unknown

10. "I am not a one size fits all kind of person, I am a one of a kind." - Unknown

Above is Self centered quotes and sayings.

Funny easter sayings for cards

1. Hoppy Easter! Don't worry, be hoppy!2. Easter: the only time it's okay to put all your eggs in one basket.3. Why did the Easter egg hide? Because it was a little chicken!4. Easter: the one day it's perfectly acceptable to put all your eggs in one basket.5. Easter: the day when chocolate

Bong sayings

1. Pass the bong, don't bogart it.2. Inhale the good vibes, exhale the bad vibes.3. Bong rips and good trips.4. Life is better with a bong in hand.5. Bong hits for days.6. Elevate your mind, hit the bong.7. Bong water is the elixir of life.8. When in doubt, bong it out.9. Bong buddi

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1. Yo ho, let's go!2. Ahoy, mateys!3. Shiver me timbers!4. All hands on deck!5. A pirate's life for me!6. Sail ho!7. Land ho!8. Hoist the Jolly Roger!9. Avast, me hearties!10. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Bible sayings in everyday use

1. Turn the other cheek - This phrase is often used to encourage someone to remain calm and not retaliate when faced with a difficult situation.2. A house divided against itself cannot stand - This saying is used to emphasize the importance of unity and working together towards a common goal.3.

Math teacher sayings

1. Math is not a spectator sport. You have to get in there and do the work.2. There are no shortcuts in math. You have to put in the time and effort to understand the concepts.3. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Embrace them and learn from them.4. Mathematics is the language of the uni

Just let go quotes sayings

1. Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means moving on. 2. Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living. 3. Letting go is the ultimate act of love. 4. The only way to make room for better things

Cute sayings for sister

1. Sisters make the best of friends.2. Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.3. Sisters are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they're always there.4. Sisters are the perfect blend of love, laughter, and support.5. Sisters are angels who lift us up when our wi

Sidney crosby sayings

1. Work hard, stay positive, and get up early. It's the best part of the day.2. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there.3. You have to earn your wins, you have to earn your success.4. You can't get too high or too low. You have to be level-h

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1. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.2. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.3. I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing gravity.4. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.5. I'm not a smart aleck, I'm a skilled conversationalist.6. I'm not short, I'm just more d

Classic phrases and sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. A penny saved is a penny earned.5. All's fair in love and war.6. Better late than never.7. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.8. Every cloud has a silver lining.