Serbian sayings

1. "Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi." - "The early bird catches the worm."

2. "Ko drugome jamu kopa, sam u nju upada." - "He who digs a pit for others, falls into it himself."

3. "Ko se zadnji smeje, najslađe se smeje." - "He who laughs last, laughs best."

4. "Ko s' đavolom tikve sadi, o glavu mu se razbijaju." - "He who sows pumpkins with the devil, will have his head broken."

5. "Nije zlato sve što sija." - "All that glitters is not gold."

6. "Ko neće da sluša, moraće da oseća." - "He who does not want to listen, will have to feel."

7. "Ko rukom kamen baci, ruka mu se od kamena odseče." - "He who throws stones with his hand, will have his hand cut off by a stone."

8. "Ko se mača laća, od mača i strada." - "He who takes up the sword, will perish by the sword."

9. "Ko s' vukovima spava, o kozje se dere." - "He who sleeps with wolves, will howl like a goat."

10. "Ko se zadnji smeje, najslađe se smeje." - "He who laughs last, laughs best."

Above is Serbian sayings.

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