Shaolin monk sayings chinese

Here are some traditional sayings attributed to Shaolin monks in Chinese:

1. 少林功夫,一日练,一日功 - Shàolín gōngfū, yī rì liàn, yī rì gōng (Shaolin kung fu, practice one day, gain one day)

2. 行功不离道,修心在练武 - Xíng gōng bù lí dào, xiū xīn zài liàn wǔ (Practice martial arts without straying from the path, cultivate the heart while training)

3. 气贯长虹,力挽狂澜 - Qì guàn cháng hóng, lì wǎn kuáng lán (Energy penetrates the rainbow, strength controls the waves)

4. 以柔克刚,以静制动 - Yǐ róu kè gāng, yǐ jìng zhì dòng (Use softness to overcome hardness, use stillness to control movement)

5. 修身齐家治国平天下 - Xiū shēn qí jiā zhì guó píng tiān xià (Cultivate oneself, manage the family, govern the country, bring peace to the world)

These sayings reflect the philosophy and values of Shaolin monks, emphasizing discipline, balance, and harmony in both martial arts practice and daily life.

Above is Shaolin monk sayings chinese.

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