Shiva sayings

1. "I am the beginning, middle, and end of all creation."

2. "I am the destroyer of evil and the protector of the righteous."

3. "In my cosmic dance, I bring balance and harmony to the universe."

4. "I am the ultimate truth, beyond all duality and illusion."

5. "Worship me with a pure heart and I will guide you on the path of righteousness."

6. "I am the eternal consciousness that pervades all of existence."

7. "Through devotion and surrender, you can merge with my divine essence."

8. "I am the supreme being, beyond all limitations and boundaries."

9. "My grace is infinite, and my blessings are always available to those who seek them."

10. "In times of darkness and despair, call upon me and I will bring light and liberation."

Above is Shiva sayings.

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