Short sayings for instagram bio

1. "Live, laugh, love."

2. "Dream big, work hard."

3. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

4. "Stay positive, stay humble."

5. "Create your own sunshine."

6. "Embrace the journey."

7. "Choose joy."

8. "Radiate good vibes."

9. "Stay wild, moon child."

10. "Chase your dreams, not people."

Above is Short sayings for instagram bio.

Love sayings tumblr

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1. Rising damp is like a silent thief, slowly creeping up on your walls.2. Don't let rising damp dampen your spirits, take action before it spreads.3. Rising damp is a sneaky foe, but with proper treatment, it can be defeated.4. A stitch in time saves nine, don't ignore rising damp signs.5.

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