Shoulder sayings

1. "Shoulder to shoulder, we stand strong."

2. "A burden shared is a burden halved."

3. "Carry the weight on your shoulders with grace."

4. "Lean on me, I've got your back."

5. "Shoulders back, chin up, face the world."

6. "Shoulder the responsibility with courage."

7. "Strong shoulders carry heavy loads."

8. "Stand tall, shoulders squared, ready for anything."

9. "A strong shoulder to cry on is a priceless gift."

10. "Shoulders are made for carrying burdens, not for bearing grudges."

Above is Shoulder sayings.

Card sayings for son in law

1. To my wonderful son-in-law, you bring so much joy and love to our family. Happy Birthday!2. Having you as a son-in-law is a blessing. Wishing you a day filled with happiness and love.3. You are not just a son-in-law, you are a cherished member of our family. Happy Father's Day!4. Thank you

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Typical russian sayings

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Catholic sayings about death reunited in heaven

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Death is not the end, but a new beginning in the arms of God.In death, we are not separated, but merely united in a different way.Though we grieve the loss of our loved ones, we take comfort in the hope of being reunited in heaven.Death