Shrinking violet doll sayings

1. "I may be small, but my dreams are big."

2. "Quiet strength is my superpower."

3. "In a world of loud voices, I choose to speak softly but with purpose."

4. "I bloom in my own time and in my own way."

5. "Being small doesn't mean I'm not mighty."

6. "I may be shy, but I shine in my own unique way."

7. "I embrace my gentle nature and find power in my vulnerability."

8. "I may be a shrinking violet, but I am resilient and strong."

9. "My quiet presence speaks volumes."

10. "I may not seek the spotlight, but I am still a force to be reckoned with."

Above is Shrinking violet doll sayings.

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To remove sayings or graffiti from a house wall, you can try the following methods:1. Paint over it: Use a matching paint color to cover the saying on the wall. Make sure to clean the area first and apply a primer if needed before painting over the saying.2. Power washing: Use a power washer to remo

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1. Fortune favors the bold.2. Make your own fortune.3. Fortune smiles upon those who work hard.4. Fortune is like a wheel, constantly turning.5. Fortune is a fickle friend.6. Fortune can change in an instant.7. Fortune favors the prepared mind.8. Fortune comes to those who seek it.9.

Proverbs 22 17 21 thirty sayings

Proverbs 22:17-21 in the Bible does not specifically mention thirty sayings. However, the Book of Proverbs is known for its collection of wise sayings and teachings. Would you like me to provide some popular proverbs or wise sayings from the Book of Proverbs or other sources?