Shropshire sayings

Here are some Shropshire sayings:

1. "Ow bist?" - How are you?

2. "Ay up, duck!" - Hello, my dear!

3. "Mind 'ow you go" - Be careful

4. "Bostin' day" - A great day

5. "It's black over Bill's mother's" - It looks like rain

6. "I'll be with you in a tick" - I'll be with you shortly

7. "Don't get your knickers in a twist" - Don't get upset

8. "I'm fair tuckered out" - I'm very tired

9. "I'm off to the offy" - I'm going to the off-license

10. "It's like 'ammer 'ouse of 'orror in 'ere" - It's very messy or chaotic

Above is Shropshire sayings.

Cute twix sayings

1. Twix and match!2. Two for me, none for you!3. Twix me up, baby!4. Double the pleasure, double the fun!5. Twix-tacular!6. Twix or treat!7. Twix and shout!8. Twix it up, life is short!9. Twix-ing it to the next level!10. Twix me, I'm dreaming!

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1950's sayings

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Paddington sayings

1. Please look after this bear.2. Marmalade sandwiches are my favorite.3. A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency.4. It's nice having a bear about the house.5. Hard stares are very effective.6. I'm a bear of very little brain.7. I do hope I haven't

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Sayings of kindness

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