Silly good morning sayings

1. "Rise and shine, it's muffin time!"

2. "Good morning, sunshine! Time to sparkle and shine."

3. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!"

4. "Hello, world! Let's make today ridiculously amazing."

5. "Good morning, you magical unicorn of a human!"

6. "Bonjour! Let's croissant our way through the day."

7. "Time to rise and grind, but first, coffee!"

8. "Good morning, beautiful souls! Let's spread some sunshine today."

9. "Wake up and be awesome, because that's just how you roll."

10. "Good morning, world! Let's make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous."

Above is Silly good morning sayings.

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I m keen as a sayings

It sounds like you're very enthusiastic! The saying keen as a... is often completed with a specific animal or object to emphasize someone's eagerness or enthusiasm. For example, keen as a beaver or keen as mustard. Is there a particular saying you have in mind, or are you just feeling excited

Sayings close but no cigar

Close, but no cigar.