Silly romanian sayings

1. "Nu ești în apele tale" - "You're not in your waters" (meaning you're confused or disoriented)

2. "Ai mâncat ciuperci de dimineață?" - "Did you eat mushrooms in the morning?" (used to ask if someone is acting strangely)

3. "A da cu mucii în fasole" - "To throw snot in the beans" (meaning to spoil the mood or atmosphere)

4. "A face din țânțar armăsar" - "To make a horse out of a mosquito" (meaning to exaggerate or make a big deal out of something small)

5. "A da cu mucii în fasole" - "To throw snot in the beans" (meaning to spoil the mood or atmosphere)

6. "A bate câmpii" - "To beat the fields" (meaning to talk nonsense)

7. "A face pe dracu-n patru" - "To make the devil in four" (meaning to cause trouble or mischief)

8. "A face din țânțar armăsar" - "To make a horse out of a mosquito" (meaning to exaggerate or make a big deal out of something small)

Above is Silly romanian sayings.

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