Simplicity of the girl sayings

The girl's sayings were simple and straightforward, yet filled with wisdom and charm.

Above is Simplicity of the girl sayings.

Blooming sayings

1. Bloom where you are planted.2. Every flower must grow through dirt.3. She bloomed like a flower in the sun.4. In the garden of life, bloom where you are planted.5. Blossom by blossom the spring begins.6. A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.7

Tai chi quotes sayings

1. In Tai Chi, the soft overcomes the hard, the slow overcomes the fast. 2. Tai Chi is the art of letting go, of surrendering to the flow of life. 3. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, just like the practice of Tai Chi. 4. In Tai Chi, we seek balance and harmony in bot

Penny luck sayings

1. Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck.2. A penny saved is a penny earned.3. In for a penny, in for a pound.4. See a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck.5. A penny for your thoughts.6. Pennies from heaven.7. A lucky penny for your pocket.8.

Sayings about good looks

1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.2. Beauty is only skin deep.3. You can't judge a book by its cover.4. Pretty is as pretty does.5. A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change, but a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul.6. It's not about being the best looking

Sayings about now and then

1. Live in the moment, for the present is all we truly have.2. The past is behind us, the future is unknown, all we have is now.3. Now is the time to live, for yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.4. In the blink of an eye, now becomes then. Cherish every moment.5. Don't dwell on t

Meaner than a sayings

Meaner than a junkyard dog

Pale sayings for crafts

1. Creativity is intelligence having fun.2. Crafting is my therapy.3. Handmade with love.4. Every piece tells a story.5. Crafting is my happy place.6. In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.7. Crafting is the best form of self-expression.8. The joy is in the process, no

Clever peacock sayings

1. I may be as colorful as a rainbow, but I'm no birdbrain.2. I strut my stuff like no other, for I am the peacock, the king of the flock.3. I don't need to sing a song to be noticed, my feathers do all the talking.4. I am not just a pretty face, I am a peacock with grace and style.5. Why b

Cute scavenger hunt sayings

1. Follow the clues and see where they lead, a treasure awaits for you to succeed!2. Search high and low, to find the hidden glow.3. Hunt for clues, don't be shy, the prize is waiting for you to spy!4. Adventure awaits, so follow the trail, your scavenger hunt quest will never fail!5. Explo

Woman strength sayings

1. A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for others.2. She believed she could, so she did.3. Strong women don't have attitudes, they have standards.4. The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she co