Sisterhood sayings and quotes

1. "Sisterhood is powerful." - Robin Morgan

2. "A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life." - Isadora James

3. "Sisters are different flowers from the same garden." - Unknown

4. "Sisterhood is the essence of all the wisdom of the ages, distilled into a single word." - Christina Baldwin

5. "A sister is both your mirror – and your opposite." - Elizabeth Fishel

6. "Sisterhood is a bond that goes beyond blood, it is a connection of souls." - Unknown

7. "Sisters may drive you crazy, get into your stuff, and irritate you. However, if anyone else dares say so, a sister will defend you to the death." - Unknown

8. "Sisterhood is the best kind of therapy." - Unknown

9. "Sisters are like flowers in the garden of life." - Unknown

10. "Sisterhood is a special kind of friendship that transcends all other relationships." - Unknown

Above is Sisterhood sayings and quotes.

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