Slogans or sayings regarding science

1. "Science is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe."

2. "In science, we trust."

3. "Exploring the unknown through the lens of science."

4. "Science: where curiosity meets discovery."

5. "Empowering minds through the power of science."

6. "Science: the language of the universe."

7. "Question, explore, discover - the essence of science."

8. "Science: shaping the future one discovery at a time."

9. "In the world of science, possibilities are endless."

10. "From hypothesis to breakthrough - the journey of science."

Above is Slogans or sayings regarding science.

Old sayings on visitor

1. Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.2. A visitor is like a shadow; he leaves but his impression remains.3. Hospitality is making your guests feel at home, even if you wish they were.4. Visitors bring joy, some when they arrive, others when they leave.5. A guest is a jewel

Sayings from toddler for mothers day card

1. Mommy, you're the bestest!2. I love you to the moon and back, Mommy!3. You're my sunshine, Mommy!4. Thank you for all the hugs and kisses, Mommy!5. You're my superhero, Mommy!6. I love you more than ice cream, Mommy!7. You make everything better, Mommy!8. You're my best friend, Mom

Anti christmas sayings

1. Christmas is just a commercialized holiday designed to make people spend money.2. The holiday season is overrated and brings unnecessary stress.3. I'd rather be anywhere else than celebrating Christmas.4. Christmas is a time for fake smiles and forced cheer.5. The pressure to buy gifts a

Sayings for a coward

1. He who hesitates is lost.2. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. - Mark Twain3. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. - Japanese Proverb4. A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only once. - Ernest Hemingway5. Courage is not the absence of fear,

Bumper sticker sayings about driving

1. I brake for squirrels.2. I'd rather be driving.3. Caution: Lead foot ahead.4. Honk if you love driving.5. I'd rather be lost on the backroads.6. My other car is a race car.7. I don't drive fast, I fly low.8. I brake for drive-thru coffee.9. I'd rather be cruising.10. I'm not sp

Better sayings feel free to contact me

Don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Marathi sayings on relationship

1. जीवनात एक व्यक्ती असतो, तो तुमचा साथी; जीवनात एक व्यक्ती असतो, तो तुमचा शत्रू. (In life, if there is one person, they are your companion; if there is one person, they are your enemy.)2. प्रेमाची आठवण जगायची आहे, तिथे त्याच्याशी जगायची आहे. (The memories of love awaken, where the person is awa

Famous adverse selection sayings

1. When you play the game of adverse selection, you win or you lose – there is no middle ground. 2. Adverse selection is like a shadow – it follows you wherever you go, ready to reveal itself at the most inconvenient times. 3. In the world of adverse selection, the one who knows the most often

Thank you for birthday party sayings

1. Another year older, another reason to celebrate! Happy birthday!2. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and lots of cake. Happy birthday!3. May your birthday be as special as you are. Cheers to another year of fabulousness!4. Here's to another year of wisdom, laughter, and good ti

Sayings about great doctors

1. A great doctor is not one who treats the disease, but one who treats the patient who has the disease. - William Osler2. The best doctor gives the least medicines. - Benjamin Franklin3. A good doctor's comforting and reassuring words are sometimes more powerful than the medicines. - Edward G