Smart sayings 101 humor

1. "I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode."

2. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right."

3. "I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing."

4. "I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?"

5. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing the gravity."

6. "I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person."

7. "I'm not short, I'm just more down to earth than most people."

8. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm helping the economy."

9. "I'm not a perfectionist, I just have high standards."

10. "I'm not old, I'm just vintage."

Above is Smart sayings 101 humor.

Cool new year sayings

1. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey2. New year, new beginnings, new opportunities.3. May the new year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! - Aleist

Keep calm sayings for babies

1. Shh, little one, everything will be okay.2. You are safe and loved, sweet baby.3. Close your eyes and rest, my precious one.4. Mommy/Daddy is here, you are not alone.5. Hush now, little one, it's time to sleep.6. Gentle hugs and kisses to calm you, my darling.7. Rock-a-bye baby, in t

Sayings to brighten your day

1. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.2. The sun will shine again after the storm.3. Choose to shine like the sun even on the cloudiest days.4. Every morning is a chance at a new beginning.5. Don't wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.6.

1920s sayings for party

1. Let's have a rip-roaring good time!2. Let's paint the town red!3. Let's get all dolled up and hit the town!4. Let's party like it's 1929!5. Let's have a hotsy-totsy time!6. Let's kick up our heels and have a ball!7. Let's have a swell shindig!8. Let's have a roaring twenties bash!

Favorite sayings of the 70s

1. Keep on truckin'2. Far out, man3. Groovy4. Peace, love, and happiness5. Right on6. Don't worry, be happy7. Stayin' alive8. Let it all hang out9. Do your own thing10. Make love, not war

Haircut quotes sayings

1. Life is too short to have boring hair. 2. A good haircut can change your life. 3. Invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off. 4. Hair is a beautiful form of self-expression. 5. Great hair doesn't happen by chance, it happens by appointment. 6. Your hair is the only crown y

Companies fail under competition sayings

1. Competition is a rude yet effective motivation. - Toba Beta2. Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in people. - David Sarnoff3. In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield. - Warren Buffett4. The only way to win is to learn faster t

Cute sayings for father's day cards

1. Dad, you're my hero and my rock. Happy Father's Day!2. To the world's greatest dad, thank you for always being there for me.3. Dad, you're the man, the myth, the legend. Happy Father's Day!4. Thanks for all the love, laughter, and lessons, Dad. Happy Father's Day!5. Dad, you're the best

Mutual respect quotes and sayings

1. Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned. - Unknown2. Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. - Laurence Sterne3. Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love. - Miguel Angel Ruiz4. Respect is a two-wa

Humoristic quotes and sayings

1. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.2. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.3. I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing gravity.4. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.5. I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?6. I'm not a mornin