Smoking sayings

1. "Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They're rich; you're dead." - Unknown

2. "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." - Brooke Shields

3. "Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it a thousand times." - Mark Twain

4. "Smoking is a habit that drains your money and kills you slowly, one puff at a time." - Unknown

5. "Smoking is a filthy habit that affects not only your health but also the health of those around you." - Unknown

6. "A cigarette is a pipe with a fire at one end and a fool at the other." - Unknown

7. "Smoking is a way to commit suicide without actually dying." - Unknown

8. "Smoking is just like farting with the door closed. Only you suffer the consequences." - Unknown

9. "Smoking is the leading cause of statistics." - Unknown

10. "Smoking is like a Russian roulette, but with all the chambers loaded." - Unknown

Above is Smoking sayings.

Dairy sayings

1. Don't cry over spilled milk.2. The cream of the crop.3. Like chalk and cheese.4. Butter wouldn't melt in their mouth.5. Milk it for all it's worth.6. Cheese it up.7. In a curdled state.8. Full cream ahead.9. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, especially if it's a dairy basket

Quarantine happy hour sayings

1. Quarantinis are the new cocktails of choice!2. Sip, sip, hooray for virtual happy hour!3. Social distancing, but not from my drink!4. Cheers to staying home and staying safe!5. In quarantine, we trust... our happy hour!6. Isolation, but make it fun with happy hour!7. Wine a little, l

Ruth langmore sayings

1. You can't trust anyone in this world, not even yourself.2. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive, no matter the cost.3. People are always gonna underestimate you, but that just gives you the element of surprise.4. Life's a game, and you gotta play it smart if you wanna win.5. You can

Candy card sayings for father'

1. Dad, you're sweeter than any candy!2. To the sweetest dad in the world, happy Father's Day!3. You're the rock of our family, just like a solid piece of chocolate.4. Dad, you're the peanut to my butter - always there to support me.5. Thanks for being the sweetest dad around, you're a real

Choir sayings quotes

1. Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart. - Pablo Casals2. Singing in a choir is like an intricate dance of voices, each one adding its own unique color to the tapestry of sound. 3. In harmony, small things grow. - Bertolt Brecht4. When we sing together, we cre

Positive jamaican sayings

1. One one coco full basket - Meaning that every little bit helps to achieve a larger goal.2. Walk good - Wishing someone a safe journey or a good day.3. No problem, man - Emphasizing a laid-back and easy-going attitude towards challenges.4. Every mickle mek a muckle - Small efforts add up t

Bullets and gun sayings

1. Lock and load.2. Aim small, miss small.3. Shoot first, ask questions later.4. Keep your powder dry.5. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.6. Trigger happy.7. Bite the bullet.8. Shoot for the moon.9. Ready, aim, fire!10. Guns blazing.

Crazy redneck sayings

1. I'm so country, I sweat sweet tea.2. I'm as happy as a tornado in a trailer park.3. I'm busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.4. I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention.5. I'm as lost as a fart in a fan factory.6. I'm as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of

Alternative sayings at work

1. Let's put our heads together and come up with a solution.2. Teamwork makes the dream work.3. We're all in this together.4. United we stand, divided we fall.5. Many hands make light work.6. Together we can achieve anything.7. Strength in numbers.8. Collaboration is key.9. In unity

Affica name sayings

Here are some popular African sayings:1. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb2. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. - African Proverb3. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. - African Proverb4. Uni