Snoop dogg sayings funny

Here are some funny sayings by Snoop Dogg:

1. "I'm an early bird, but I'm a night owl."

2. "I'm too cool for school, but I'm too hot for the block."

3. "I don't chase 'em, I replace 'em."

4. "I'm a player, but I don't play games."

5. "I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man."

6. "I'm like a squirrel, I'm always packing my nuts."

7. "I'm like a chef, I'm cooking up hits in the kitchen."

8. "I'm like a lion, I'm the king of the jungle."

9. "I'm like a ninja, I move in silence but strike with force."

10. "I'm like a magician, I make money disappear and reappear."

Above is Snoop dogg sayings funny.

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