Snoopy sayings and quotes

1. "Happiness is a warm puppy."

2. "Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use."

3. "To live is to dance, to dance is to live."

4. "Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon."

5. "Keep looking up… that’s the secret of life."

6. "I think I’ve discovered the secret of life – you just hang around until you get used to it."

7. "All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt."

8. "I love mankind… it’s people I can’t stand!"

9. "I think I’m afraid of being happy because whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens."

10. "I’m not very good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world."

Above is Snoopy sayings and quotes.

Photographers quotes sayings

1. Photography is the story I fail to put into words. - Destin Sparks2. In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. - Alfred Stieglitz3. The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. - Andy Warhol4. Photography

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1. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. - Franklin D. Roosevelt2. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandhi3. The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha4. You have power over your m

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Fathers day sayings from wife funny

1. Happy Father's Day to the man who never fails to make me laugh...mostly because he's so bad at telling jokes!2. To my husband, the father of our children - you may not be perfect, but at least you're funny!3. Cheers to the dad who always keeps us entertained with his dad jokes and questionab