Spartan women sayings

1. "Come back with your shield, or on it." - A traditional Spartan saying meaning to either return victorious from battle with your shield intact, or be carried back on your shield as a fallen warrior.

2. "With it or on it." - Another version of the above saying, emphasizing the importance of bravery and valor in battle.

3. "Molon labe" - This phrase, meaning "come and take them," was reportedly spoken by the Spartan King Leonidas in response to the Persian demand to surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae.

4. "A Spartan woman gives birth to real men." - Reflecting the high expectations Spartan women had for their sons to become strong and courageous warriors.

5. "Spartan women rule the men by bearing men." - Highlighting the important role Spartan women played in shaping the next generation of warriors through their influence and guidance.

Above is Spartan women sayings.

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