Spiteful people sayings and quotes

1. "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." - Unknown

2. "The best revenge is massive success." - Frank Sinatra

3. "Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." - Carrie Fisher

4. "Anger, resentment, and jealousy don't change the heart of others - it only changes yours." - Shannon L. Alder

5. "The greatest revenge is to accomplish what others say you cannot do." - Unknown

6. "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury." - Marcus Aurelius

7. "The best revenge is living well and proving them wrong." - Unknown

8. "Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head." - Unknown

9. "Don't get mad, get even." - Robert F. Kennedy

10. "The more you talk about it, rehash it, rethink it, cross analyze it, debate it, respond to it, get paranoid about it, compete with it, complain about it, immortalize it, cry over it, kick it, defame it, stalk it, gossip about it, pray over it, put it down or dissect its motives it continues to rot in your brain." - Shannon L. Alder

Above is Spiteful people sayings and quotes.

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