Sportbike sayings

1. "Live to ride, ride to live."

2. "Two wheels, one love."

3. "Lean into the curves of life."

4. "Speed is my therapy."

5. "Born to ride, forced to work."

6. "Life is short, so grip it and rip it."

7. "Ride fast, take chances."

8. "Twist the throttle, feel the power."

9. "Ride like the wind, feel free."

10. "In the twisties we trust."

Above is Sportbike sayings.

Buzzfeed american sayings

1. You betcha - This phrase is often used to express agreement or confirmation.2. Bless your heart - This phrase is commonly used in the South to show sympathy or condescension.3. Piece of cake - This saying means that something is very easy to do.4. Bite the bullet - This phrase means to en

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Sayings about broadway

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