Square sayings

1. "Think outside the box, but live inside the square."

2. "Life is like a square; it has four corners, but endless possibilities."

3. "In a world full of circles, be a square."

4. "Embrace your uniqueness, even if it means standing out in a square crowd."

5. "Sometimes it's okay to color outside the lines, even if you're in a square."

6. "A square peg in a round hole can still make a statement."

7. "Find beauty in the simplicity of a square."

8. "Don't be afraid to break out of the square mold and create your own path."

9. "Even in a world of chaos, find peace in the symmetry of a square."

10. "Life may be full of twists and turns, but sometimes a straight line is all you need."

Above is Square sayings.

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