Stripes sayings

1. "Earn your stripes."

2. "Don't change your stripes."

3. "The tiger cannot change its stripes."

4. "Showing your stripes."

5. "Earn your stripes."

6. "A zebra never changes its stripes."

7. "Different stripes for different types."

8. "The stripes of a tiger are its beauty."

9. "Don't let your stripes define you."

10. "The stripes of a zebra are like a fingerprint."

Above is Stripes sayings.

Musician tip jar sayings

1. Music is the universal language – tips are the universal currency.2. If the music moves you, feel free to move some cash into my tip jar.3. Support live music and feed the musician – tip generously!4. Good music isn't free, but your tips help keep it alive.5. If you like what you hear, s

Cute halloween spider sayings

1. Just hanging around for some Halloween fun!2. Creeping it real this Halloween!3. Don't be scared, I'm just a friendly spider!4. Weave got some spooky fun in store for you!5. I'm not a regular spider, I'm a cool spider!6. Spin a web of Halloween magic with me!7. I'm here to put a litt

Sayings with stone in them

1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.2. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.3. Leave no stone unturned.4. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.5. Cast the first stone.6. Set in stone.7. Like a stone.8. Stone cold.9. Written in stone.10

Candy bar card sayings for christmas

1. Wishing you a sweet and merry Christmas!2. May your Christmas be as delightful as this candy bar!3. Sending you a little sweetness this holiday season.4. Hope your Christmas is filled with joy, love, and chocolate!5. May your holidays be as sweet as this candy bar!6. Wishing you a Chri

Funny brunch sayings

1. Brunch: the socially acceptable excuse for day drinking.2. Brunch without champagne is just a sad breakfast.3. Brunch: because mimosas are basically a fruit salad.4. Brunch is just breakfast without an alarm clock.5. Brunch: where you can have dessert as your first course.6. Brunch: th

Austrian funeral sayings

Here are a few traditional Austrian funeral sayings:1. Der Tod ist das Tor zum Licht am Ende eines mühsam gewordenen Weges. (Death is the gateway to light at the end of a weary path.)2. In stiller Trauer gedenken wir an einen lieben Menschen, der von uns gegangen ist. (In silent sorrow, we remem

Funny new orleans sayings

1. Laissez les bons temps rouler! - Let the good times roll!2. Who dat? - A popular chant used by New Orleans Saints fans.3. Making groceries - Going grocery shopping.4. Throw me something, mister! - A common phrase shouted during Mardi Gras parades to ask for beads or trinkets.5. Dat's how

Outdat3d 90's sayings

1. As if!2. Talk to the hand.3. All that and a bag of chips.4. Booyah!5. Psych!6. What's the 411?7. Oh snap!8. You go, girl!9. Da bomb.10. Chillax.

Cake pop wedding sayings

1. Love is sweet, just like these cake pops!2. Pop the champagne, it's time to celebrate with cake pops!3. Individually wrapped, just like our love - cake pops for the win!4. Sweets for the sweetest couple - cake pops for the newlyweds!5. Love is in the air, and in these delicious cake pops

Pinch hitting sayings

1. Coming off the bench swinging for the fences.2. Stepping up to the plate in a clutch situation.3. Making the most of your opportunity in a pinch.4. Delivering in the clutch when it counts.5. Rising to the occasion as a pinch hitter.6. Taking advantage of your moment in the spotlight.7