Stubby cooler sayings

1. "Chill out, it's just a drink!"

2. "Keep calm and stay cool"

3. "Life is brew-tiful"

4. "Sip happens"

5. "Cold drinks, warm hearts"

6. "Beer me up, Scotty!"

7. "In beer we trust"

8. "Sip, sip, hooray!"

9. "I'm just here for the beer"

10. "Drink happy thoughts"

Above is Stubby cooler sayings.

Stood out like a sayings

Stood out like a sore thumb is a common saying that means someone or something is very noticeable or conspicuous in a particular situation. It implies that the person or thing stands out in a negative or awkward way, drawing attention to themselves.

Funny sayings about life and love

1. Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably crap.2. Life is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and occasionally someone throws up.3. Love is like a pizza, it's best when it's hot and cheesy, but sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.4. Li

Inspirational sayings for january

1. New year, new beginnings, new opportunities.2. January is the perfect time to start afresh and chase your dreams.3. Embrace the challenges of January with a positive attitude and determination.4. In January, let go of what was and embrace what can be.5. January is a blank canvas, paint i

Moving on from a relationship quotes and sayings

1. Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but learning to start over. - Nicole Sobon2. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. - Dr. Seuss3. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts4. Letting go doesn't

Sayings for recovery

1. One day at a time.2. Progress, not perfection.3. Courage to change.4. Just keep going.5. Every setback is a setup for a comeback.6. You are stronger than you think.7. Recovery is a journey, not a destination.8. Embrace the process of healing.9. Healing takes time, be patient with

Macleish jb quotes and sayings

Here are some quotes and sayings by J.B. MacLeish:1. A poem should not mean but be.2. The only thing about a man that is a man is his mind. Everything else you can find in a pig or a horse.3. We are the dark side of the mirror.4. The only thing that ends is the beginning.5. We are all of us

Cute caxtus sayings

1. Stay sharp and stand tall like a cactus.2. Don't be a prick, be a cactus.3. Life is tough, but so are cacti.4. Let your spikes be your armor.5. Be a little prickly, but always stay sweet.6. In a world full of roses, be a cactus.7. Stay rooted and reach for the sun like a cactus.8.

Clever macbeth sayings

1. Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. 2. Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage. 3. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage. 4. I am in

Beach sayings on wood

1. Life is better at the beach2. Sandy toes and salty kisses3. Let the waves hit your feet and the sand be your seat4. Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes5. The beach is my happy place6. Seas the day7. Salt in the air, sand in my hair8. Just another day in paradise9. Ocean air, salty

Best proposal sayings

1. I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you.2. I promise to love you, cherish you, and support you for all the days of my life.3. You are my today and all of my tomorrows.4. With you, I am home.5. I want