Support ukraine sayings

1. "Slava Ukraini!" (Glory to Ukraine!)

2. "Ne zlamayetsya, Ukrayino!" (Don't give up, Ukraine!)

3. "Za nashu svobodu i nezalezhnist!" (For our freedom and independence!)

4. "Ukrayina, bud' sil'noyu!" (Ukraine, be strong!)

5. "Molimsya za Ukrayinu" (Pray for Ukraine)

6. "Ukrayina - nashiy dom" (Ukraine is our home)

7. "Za Ukrayinu z bohom!" (For Ukraine with God!)

8. "Slava Ukrayini, heroyam slava!" (Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes!)

9. "Ukrayina, my tebe lyubimo!" (Ukraine, we love you!)

10. "Zlava Ukrayina, zlava narod!" (Glory to Ukraine, glory to the people!)

Above is Support ukraine sayings.

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