Swahili sayings

1. Usiache mbachao kwa sababu ya kung'ang'ania kitunguu - Don't abandon your meal because of stubbornly holding onto an onion. (Don't give up on something good just because of a minor inconvenience.)

2. Asiyefunzwa na mamaye hufunzwa na ulimwengu - He who is not taught by his mother will be taught by the world. (It's important to learn from your parents or guardians before the world teaches you harsh lessons.)

3. Kufa kufaana - To die is to die. (Accepting the inevitable.)

4. Mchagua jembe si mkulima - The one who chooses the hoe is not necessarily a farmer. (Just because someone has the tools doesn't mean they know how to use them.)

5. Mwenda pole hajikwai - The slow walker doesn't stumble. (Taking things slowly and carefully can prevent mistakes.)

6. Paka akiondoka, panya hutawala - When the cat is away, the mice will play. (People misbehave when there is no authority figure present.)

7. Ukiwapa vidole, watakunyonga - If you give them your fingers, they will bite you. (Be cautious about who you trust.)

8. Usimwage mtama kabla ya kuvuna - Don't spill the millet before it's harvested. (Don't celebrate success before it's achieved.)

9. Umoja ni nguvu, utengano ni udhaifu - Unity is strength, division is weakness. (Working together is more powerful than working alone.)

10. Usiye na mali hana rafiki - He who has no wealth has no friends. (People may only be interested in you for what you have.)

Above is Swahili sayings.

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