Swami vivekanandas sayings on science communication

Swami Vivekananda emphasized the importance of science communication and the integration of scientific knowledge with spiritual wisdom. Here are some of his sayings on the topic:

1. "Science is nothing but the finding of unity. As soon as science would reach perfect unity, it would stop from further progress, because it would reach the goal."

2. "Science is the most practical thing in the world, the most spiritual thing in the world. It is the only true friend - the only true savior of mankind."

3. "The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter - for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way."

4. "Science and religion will meet and shake hands... When religion will have become practical and scientific, and science will have become religious."

5. "The whole universe is one. There is only one Self in the universe, only One Existence. That One Self, when it appears behind the universe, is called God. When it appears behind this little universe, the soul, it is the Atman. And this is the only difference."

Swami Vivekananda believed in the harmony between science and spirituality, and he encouraged the communication and integration of both for the betterment of humanity.

Above is Swami vivekanandas sayings on science communication.

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