Swedish sayings funny

1. "Att glida in på en räkmacka" - To slide in on a shrimp sandwich (to have it easy)

2. "Att ha en gris på tungan" - To have a pig on the tongue (to be very talkative)

3. "Att ha en höna att plocka med någon" - To have a chicken to pick with someone (to have a bone to pick with someone)

4. "Att gå som katten kring het gröt" - To walk like the cat around hot porridge (to beat around the bush)

5. "Att sälja grisen i säcken" - To sell the pig in the sack (to buy something without knowing what it is)

6. "Att vara en riktig surdeg" - To be a real sourdough (to be a grumpy person)

7. "Att ha en fot i graven" - To have one foot in the grave (to be very old)

8. "Att vara som hund och katt" - To be like dog and cat (to not get along with someone)

9. "Att vara en riktig klippa" - To be a real rock (to be reliable and trustworthy)

10. "Att ha en boll i luften" - To have a ball in the air (to have a lot of things going on)

Above is Swedish sayings funny.

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Taunt quotes and sayings hindi

1. तू जितना भी चिढ़ा ले, मेरी चालें तेरे लिए अजीब ही रहेंगी।2. हारने वालों को हार की आदत होती है, और जीतने वालों को जीत की लत होती है।3. दुश्मनों को जलने की बू आने दे, वरना तेरी जीत का इशारा देने दे।4. जिस दिन मैं हारूंगा, उस दिन तू मेरे दुश्मन कहलाएगा।5. जीतने के लिए तैयार रह, क्योंकि मैं