Sweet dreams images/sayings

1. "Dream big, sleep tight."

2. "Goodnight, sleep tight, dream sweet dreams tonight."

3. "May your dreams be as sweet as you are."

4. "Close your eyes and drift off to dreamland."

5. "Wishing you a night filled with peaceful dreams."

6. "As you sleep, may your dreams be filled with happiness and love."

7. "Let your dreams be your guide to a brighter tomorrow."

8. "May your dreams be as beautiful as the night sky."

9. "Dreams are the windows to the soul, may yours be filled with light."

10. "Sleep well, dream sweetly, and wake up refreshed."

Above is Sweet dreams images/sayings.

Wait a minute sayings

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As quiet as sayings

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Mary poppins returns quotes and sayings

1. Everything is possible, even the impossible. - Mary Poppins2. In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. - Mary Poppins3. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. - Mary Poppins4. Anything can happen if you let it. - Mary Poppins5. Close your eyes and see. - Mary

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Coffee mugs with sayings on them

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Nice birthday sayings on a card

1. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and all the happiness in the world. Happy Birthday!2. May your birthday be as special as you are. Here's to another year of wonderful memories and adventures.3. On your special day, may all your dreams and wishes come true. Happy Birthday!4. An