Swiss german sayings

1. "Es isch kei Meischter vom Himmel g'falle." (No one is a master who fell from the sky.)

2. "Hunger isch de best Koch." (Hunger is the best cook.)

3. "Wer z'erscht chunnt, mahnt z'erscht." (Whoever arrives first, mows first.)

4. "Gueti Wäg sind lang." (Good ways are long.)

5. "Wenn d'Chue gschisse händ, lachet d'Fliege." (When the cows have pooped, the flies laugh.)

6. "Es isch nit alles Gold, was glänzt." (Not everything that glitters is gold.)

7. "Hüt isch morn scho gschter gsi." (Today is already yesterday.)

8. "Was de Bauer nit kennt, frisst er nit." (What the farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat.)

9. "Drbescht im Hüsli, drbescht im Chüschtli." (Whoever is the first in the outhouse is the first in the kitchen.)

10. "Es hät so lang's hät." (It lasts as long as it lasts.)

Above is Swiss german sayings.

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