Taco bell sayings

1. "Live más" - This slogan means "Live more" in Spanish and encourages customers to embrace new experiences and enjoy life to the fullest.

2. "Think outside the bun" - This slogan encourages customers to try something different and think beyond traditional fast food options.

3. "Feed the Beat" - This program supports up-and-coming musicians by providing them with Taco Bell gift cards while on tour.

4. "Run for the border" - This slogan was used in the past to promote Taco Bell's Mexican-inspired menu items.

5. "Crunchwrap Supreme: The best thing since sliced bread" - This slogan highlights the popularity of the Crunchwrap Supreme, a fan-favorite menu item.

6. "Make a run for the border" - This slogan was used in Taco Bell's early advertising campaigns to promote the idea of escaping to a flavorful and fun dining experience.

7. "Grab life by the bell" - This saying encourages customers to seize the moment and enjoy the bold flavors of Taco Bell's menu.

8. "Belluminati" - This playful term refers to Taco Bell fans who are devoted to the brand and its menu offerings.

9. "Bellhops" - This term is used to describe Taco Bell employees who provide fast and friendly service to customers.

10. "Baja Blast your day" - This saying promotes the popular Baja Blast Mountain Dew drink available at Taco Bell.

Above is Taco bell sayings.

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