Tattoos for couples that connect sayings

1. "You are my sunshine" - One partner has the sun tattooed on their body, while the other has the words "You are my sunshine" tattooed on theirs.

2. "Two halves of a whole" - Each partner gets a tattoo of a half heart, and when they come together, the hearts form a complete heart.

3. "Forever and always" - One partner has "Forever" tattooed on their body, while the other has "Always" tattooed on theirs.

4. "Infinite love" - Each partner gets a tattoo of the infinity symbol, with the word "Love" incorporated into the design.

5. "Soulmates" - One partner has "Soul" tattooed on their body, while the other has "Mates" tattooed on theirs.

6. "Love conquers all" - One partner has a tattoo of a conquering warrior, while the other has the words "Love conquers all" tattooed on theirs.

7. "Together forever" - Each partner gets a tattoo of a lock and key, symbolizing that they hold the key to each other's hearts.

8. "My heart, your heart" - One partner has a heart tattooed on their body, while the other has the words "My heart, your heart" tattooed on theirs.

9. "Eternal bond" - Each partner gets a tattoo of a Celtic knot, symbolizing their eternal connection and bond.

10. "Love never fails" - One partner has "Love" tattooed on their body, while the other has "Never fails" tattooed on theirs.

Above is Tattoos for couples that connect sayings.

French basic sayings

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