Thank you sayings in spanish

1. Gracias por todo - Thank you for everything

2. Mil gracias - A thousand thanks

3. Muchas gracias - Many thanks

4. Te agradezco mucho - I appreciate you a lot

5. Estoy muy agradecido/a - I am very grateful

6. Gracias de corazón - Thanks from the heart

7. Te doy las gracias - I give you thanks

8. No tengo palabras para agradecerte - I have no words to thank you

9. Gracias por tu amabilidad - Thank you for your kindness

10. Agradecido/a eternamente - Eternally grateful

Above is Thank you sayings in spanish.

Swag sayings and quotes

1. Swag is not something you wear, it is something you are. 2. I don't sweat, I sparkle with swag.3. Swag is my superpower.4. Keep calm and swag on.5. Swagger so bright, I don't need a spotlight.6. Swag is my attitude, style is my game.7. I'm not rich, I'm just dripping in swag.8. Swa

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