The best is yet to come sayings

1. "The best is yet to come."

2. "The future holds great things."

3. "Your best days are still ahead of you."

4. "The best is saved for last."

5. "The greatest achievements are yet to be accomplished."

6. "The best is yet to be revealed."

7. "The best is yet to unfold."

8. "Your brightest moments are on the horizon."

9. "The best is yet to be experienced."

10. "The best is yet to be discovered."

Above is The best is yet to come sayings.

Funny sayings in soanish

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Cute tattoo sayings for feet

1. Walk by faith, not by sight2. Step by step, day by day3. Follow your heart4. Dance like nobody's watching5. Leave a little sparkle wherever you go6. Keep moving forward7. One step at a time8. Find your path9. Let your light shine10. Walk in love