The book of the kindred sayings

"The Book of the Kindred Sayings" is a collection of teachings and discourses attributed to the Buddha. It is also known as the "Samyutta Nikaya" in the Pali Canon, which is one of the earliest collections of the Buddha's discourses. The book is divided into chapters based on different themes, and each chapter contains a collection of related teachings given by the Buddha to his disciples.

The teachings in "The Book of the Kindred Sayings" cover a wide range of topics, including the nature of suffering, the practice of mindfulness, the impermanence of all things, and the path to liberation from suffering. The book is considered a valuable resource for those interested in studying the core teachings of Buddhism and gaining insight into the Buddha's wisdom.

If you are interested in learning more about Buddhism and the teachings of the Buddha, "The Book of the Kindred Sayings" is a great place to start. It offers profound insights into the nature of reality and the human condition, and provides guidance on how to live a more mindful and compassionate life.

Above is The book of the kindred sayings.

If you come the door be open sayings qoutes

When one door closes, another opens. - Alexander Graham BellOpportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. - Kyle ChandlerWhen opportunity knocks, don't let fear hold you back. Open the door and embrace the possibilities. - UnknownIf opportunity doesn't knock, bui

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1. I'm not just a pretty tentacle, I've got brains too!2. Don't be jelly of my jelly, just be amazed!3. I may not have a backbone, but I've got plenty of spine.4. Swimming through life with grace and tentacles.5. I'm so jelly, I make other sea creatures jealous.6. In a world full of fish,

Common sayings involving bell

1. That rings a bell. - This phrase is used when something sounds familiar or triggers a memory.2. Saved by the bell. - This phrase refers to being rescued or saved from a difficult situation at the last moment.3. As clear as a bell. - This phrase is used to describe something that is easily u

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Cute sayings for school

1. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars.2. You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.3. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.4. Don't be afraid to be great.5. You are capable of amazing things.6. Dream big and w

Sayings with awesome in them

1. You are truly awesome, inside and out.2. Life is short, so make it awesome.3. Embrace your awesomeness and shine bright.4. Do something today that your future self will thank you for - be awesome.5. Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen - that's the awesome way.6. Believe in you

The one sayings

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1. Thank you for being a bright light in my life.2. I am grateful for your kindness and friendship.3. Your thoughtfulness makes my heart happy.4. I appreciate you more than words can say.5. Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face.6. You make the world a better place just by being

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1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!2. Tis the season to be jolly!3. May your days be merry and bright.4. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!5. All I want for Christmas is you.6. Jingle all the way!7. Fa la la la la, la la la la!8. Peace on Earth, goodwill to all.9. Christmas m

Bring a dish to share sayings

1. A dish shared is a meal enjoyed.2. Sharing food is sharing love.3. Good food is best enjoyed with good company.4. The more you share, the more you have.5. Sharing a meal brings people together.6. Food tastes better when shared with friends.7. Sharing a dish is a gesture of kindness.