The great sayings by gaddafi

Muammar Gaddafi, the former leader of Libya, was known for his unique and often controversial sayings. Here are some of the notable quotes attributed to him:

1. "I am a Bedouin warrior who brought glory to Libya, and I will die a martyr."

2. "I am the creator of tomorrow, I am the voice of the people, I am the leader of the revolution."

3. "The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever. These ideas which mobilized the masses are only a worthless currency."

4. "I am a Bedouin, I am a desert man. I am not a diplomat."

5. "I am an international leader, the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of Muslims, and my international status does not allow me to descend to a lower level."

6. "The Libyan people are free to choose their own system, and we are here to serve them."

7. "I am a Bedouin, I am a desert man. I am not a diplomat."

8. "The era of a nation's submission to the West is over. We are an African nation, we are part of the African continent, and we are proud of our African identity."

9. "I am the leader of the revolution, and I am still the leader of the revolution. I have not changed."

10. "I am not a dictator to close Facebook. I will leave power in the hands of the people."

Above is The great sayings by gaddafi.

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