The sayings gospel q

The Sayings Gospel Q is a hypothetical collection of Jesus' sayings that is believed to have been a source for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The existence of Q is inferred from the common material found in Matthew and Luke that is not present in Mark, suggesting that both Matthew and Luke used another source. While the Sayings Gospel Q itself has not been discovered, scholars have attempted to reconstruct it based on the shared material in Matthew and Luke. Q is thought to contain primarily sayings of Jesus rather than narrative material.

Above is The sayings gospel q.

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Best sayings in marathi

1. जगातील सर्वात मोठी शक्ती तुमच्यातच आहे. (The greatest power in the world lies within you.)2. धैर्याने विजय मिळते. (Victory comes with patience.)3. जीवनात आयुष्यात काहीही सुरुवात करण्याची तयारी असेल तर तुम्ही सर्वात मोठे विजेते आहात. (If you are prepared to start anything in life, then you a