Theatre sayings

1. "Break a leg!" - A common phrase used to wish someone good luck before a performance.

2. "The show must go on" - Encouragement to continue with a performance despite any challenges or setbacks.

3. "All the world's a stage" - A quote from Shakespeare's play "As You Like It," referring to the idea that life is like a play.

4. "To be or not to be, that is the question" - A famous line from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," contemplating the nature of existence.

5. "Exit, pursued by a bear" - A stage direction from Shakespeare's play "The Winter's Tale," often used humorously in theatre discussions.

6. "Break a leg, take a bow" - A playful twist on the traditional "Break a leg" saying, encouraging performers to take a bow after a successful performance.

7. "All's well that ends well" - A phrase often used to reflect on the outcome of a performance or production.

8. "The play's the thing" - A line from Shakespeare's "Hamlet," emphasizing the importance of the theatrical performance itself.

9. "Lights, camera, action!" - A phrase used to cue the start of a performance or filming.

10. "Theatre is life. Film is art. Television is furniture." - A humorous saying that highlights the unique qualities of different forms of entertainment.

Above is Theatre sayings.

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