Tigrinya sayings

1. ሓደ ኣርእስቲ ኣሎና፡ "ኣይንሕና ኣይንሕና።" (Hade ar'isti alona: "Ay'nhna ay'nhna.") - A wise person says, "We don't forget, we don't forget."

2. ኣብ ምስ ሓለዋ ኣብ ምስ እዩ፡ ኣብ ምስ ሓለዋ ኣብ ምስ እዩ። (Ab ms halewa ab ms eyu: Ab ms halewa ab ms eyu.) - In the rain, there is life; in the sun, there is life.

3. ኣይንሕና ኣይንሕና፡ ኣይንሕና ኣይንሕና። (Ay'nhna ay'nhna: Ay'nhna ay'nhna.) - We don't forget, we don't forget; we don't forget, we don't forget.

4. ኣይንሕና ኣይንሕና፡ ኣይንሕና ኣይንሕና። (Ay'nhna ay'nhna: Ay'nhna ay'nhna.) - We don't forget, we don't forget; we don't forget, we don't forget.

5. ኣብ እንተዝኾነ ኣብ እንተዝኾነ፡ ኣብ እንተዝኾነ ኣብ እንተዝኾነ። (Ab entezkene ab entezkene: Ab entezkene ab entezkene.) - In unity, there is strength; in unity, there is strength.

Above is Tigrinya sayings.

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