Trend quotes sayings

1. "Trends come and go, but style is eternal." - Yves Saint Laurent

2. "Don't follow trends, create them." - Unknown

3. "Trends are like waves, they come and go. Ride the good ones and let the bad ones wash away." - Unknown

4. "Fashion fades, only style remains the same." - Coco Chanel

5. "Trends are fleeting, but true style is timeless." - Unknown

6. "The only trend that matters is being true to yourself." - Unknown

7. "Don't be a follower, be a trendsetter." - Unknown

8. "Trends may come and go, but your individuality is what truly stands out." - Unknown

9. "Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it." - Unknown

10. "In a world full of trends, remain a classic." - Unknown

Above is Trend quotes sayings.

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Like, literally.

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