Troubled relationship sayings

1. "Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."

2. "Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship."

3. "In a relationship, trust is like a paper, once it's crumpled it can't be perfect again."

4. "The wrong person will never give you what you want, but the right one will give you what you need."

5. "A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want but it won't go anywhere."

6. "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about."

7. "Love is not supposed to be painful. It's supposed to heal, to be your haven from misery, to make living worthwhile."

8. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."

9. "Don't settle for a relationship that won't let you be yourself."

10. "You can't force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected."

Above is Troubled relationship sayings.

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