Turkish sayings

1. "Damlaya damlaya göl olur." - Drop by drop, it becomes a lake.

2. "Akıllı ol, fikrini söyleme; söyleyince akılsız olduğunu anlatırsın." - Be wise, don't speak your mind; when you speak, you reveal your foolishness.

3. "Ağaç yaşken eğilir." - The tree is bent while it is still young. (Meaning: It is easier to teach good habits to children than to correct them in adults.)

4. "Güneş balçıkla sıvanmaz." - You can't cover the sun with mud. (Meaning: You can't hide the truth.)

5. "Yavaş yavaş yol al dağlar sana kar olur." - Move slowly and mountains will turn into snow for you. (Meaning: Patience and perseverance can overcome any obstacle.)

6. "Dost kara günde belli olur." - A friend is known in times of trouble.

7. "Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var." - One hand is not enough, two hands make a sound. (Meaning: Two heads are better than one.)

8. "Söz gümüş ise sükut altındır." - If speech is silver, then silence is golden. (Meaning: Sometimes it's better to remain silent.)

9. "Aç kurt, koyunun peşinden koşar." - A hungry wolf will chase after a sheep. (Meaning: Desperate times call for desperate measures.)

10. "Her şeyin başı sağlık." - Health is the most important thing.

Above is Turkish sayings.

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Catalan proverbs sayings

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