Twitch sayings

1. "PogChamp" - Used to express excitement or amazement.

2. "Kappa" - Used to indicate sarcasm or joking.

3. "EZ Clap" - Used to mock an opponent or show dominance.

4. "F" - Used to pay respects or show sympathy.

5. "LUL" - Laughing out loud.

6. "FeelsBadMan" - Used to express sadness or disappointment.

7. "MonkaS" - Used to indicate anxiety or nervousness.

8. "OMEGALUL" - An exaggerated version of "LUL" used to show extreme laughter.

9. "ResidentSleeper" - Used to express boredom or disinterest.

10. "Kreygasm" - Used to show excitement or pleasure.

Above is Twitch sayings.

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