Type 1 diabetes sayings

1. "Diabetes may have my body, but it will never have my spirit."

2. "I am not defined by my diagnosis, but by how I choose to live with it."

3. "Type 1 diabetes is a part of me, but it does not control me."

4. "Every finger prick and insulin injection is a reminder of my strength and resilience."

5. "Living with type 1 diabetes is a daily battle, but I am a warrior."

6. "I wear my continuous glucose monitor like a badge of honor, a symbol of my determination to thrive."

7. "Type 1 diabetes is not a weakness, but a challenge that I face with courage and grace."

8. "My pancreas may be broken, but my spirit remains unbroken."

9. "Diabetes is just a chapter in my story, not the whole book."

10. "I am not a diabetic, I am a person living with diabetes, and I am so much more than my condition."

Above is Type 1 diabetes sayings.

All sizzle and no steak sayings

1. All bark and no bite.2. All show and no substance.3. All talk and no action.4. All glitter and no gold.5. All hat and no cattle.6. All flash and no cash.7. All style and no substance.8. All hype and no delivery.9. All smoke and mirrors.10. All sizzle and no sausage.

Honey sayings

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