Uganda sayings

1. "Omwana takulila nju emoi" - A child does not grow up only in a single home.

2. "Akantu ka bala" - The grass is always greener on the other side.

3. "Omwana wabandi, wabula omwana wali" - A child belongs to everyone, but the real child is known.

4. "Omwana agumya entebe, si agumya enkoko" - A child who travels will not only know the chicken but also the hen.

5. "N'omwana akalulu k'omwana" - A child is a child until they get their own.

6. "Omwana takoma, takoma" - A child does not grow by staying in one place.

7. "Akamanyiro ka muntu, k'omwana" - A person's reputation is like a child.

8. "Omwana takwata empola" - A child does not hold a grudge.

9. "Omwana takwata ku mutima" - A child does not hold onto anger.

10. "Omwana takwata ku mutima" - A child does not hold onto anger.

Above is Uganda sayings.

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