Urn sayings for pets

1. "A pet is a friend with fur."

2. "Love is a four-legged word."

3. "Happiness is a warm puppy."

4. "Home is where the paw prints are."

5. "Life is better with a furry friend."

6. "Dogs leave paw prints on your heart."

7. "Cats are like potato chips, you can't have just one."

8. "The road to my heart is paved with paw prints."

9. "Pets are family with fur."

10. "Wag more, bark less."

Above is Urn sayings for pets.

Choux sayings

1. Life is short, eat the choux pastry first.2. A choux a day keeps the doctor away.3. When in doubt, bake choux.4. Choux are the key to happiness.5. Love is like a freshly baked choux pastry, sweet and irresistible.6. In a world full of pastries, be a choux.7. Choux-la-la, life is swee

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Inspirational sayings by great persons

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