Venezuelan love sayings

1. "Amor de lejos, felices los cuatro." (Love from afar, happy are the four of us.)

2. "El amor todo lo puede." (Love can conquer all.)

3. "En el amor y en la guerra, todo se vale." (In love and war, anything goes.)

4. "Amor de pobre, no muere." (Love of the poor never dies.)

5. "El amor es ciego, pero los vecinos no." (Love is blind, but the neighbors are not.)

6. "El amor entra por la cocina." (Love enters through the kitchen.)

7. "Amor de juventud, fuego de paja." (Young love, straw fire.)

8. "Amor con hambre, no dura." (Love with hunger does not last.)

9. "Amor de playa, dura un día." (Beach love lasts a day.)

10. "Amor de locos, ni dios lo entiende." (Love of fools, not even God understands it.)

Above is Venezuelan love sayings.

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